Shaun Stanislaus’s Tech blog

Just another weblog



The Addictionary is a site for word lovers and those who like to see our beloved English language grow in serious or humorous ways. We built the Addictionary to empower word-play and to help lovers of word-play showcase and market their cleverness and creativity to the world. Every feature in the site tries to keep that in mind. Let us know if you have suggestions in that regard.

They launched the Addictionary in 2006 and continue to add features as more and more users come aboard. Check out the Contest Corner, where you can establish your own word-creation competition in your work place, club or family; and the recently added TOBAW (“There Oughta Be A Word”) feature–how clever are you, really? 😉

The Addictionary is owned and operated by SpectrumDNA, Inc., a company based in Park City, Utah; and staffed by snowflakes who manage to get work done in between living a perfect life.

November 6, 2008 - Posted by | IT News, Technology | ,

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